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Between Educationalization and Appropriation

Selected Writings on the History of Modern Educational Systems

Marc Depaepe

Education / History

Developments in educational systems worldwide have largely contributed to the modernization and globalization of present-day society. However, in order to fully understand their impact, educational systems must be interpreted against a background of particular situations and contexts. This textbook brings together more than twenty (collaborative) contributions focusing on the two key themes in the work of Marc Depaepe: educationalization and appropriation.

Compiled for his international master classes, these selected writings provide not only a thorough introduction to the history of modern educational systems, but also a twenty-five-year overview of the work of a well-known pioneer in the field of history of education. Covering the modernization of schooling in Western history, the characteristics and origins of educationalization, the colonial experience in education, and the process of "appropriation," Between Educationalization and Appropriation will be of great interest to a larger audience of scholars in the social sciences.

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